What is a startup?
It has happened many times that we have been involved in a problem and we did not have a solution for it. Then we wonder why no one has ever solved this problem?Or why not be the first to offer a solution?
Providing a solution to a problem can be the beginning of a startup.
What is StartUp?
Neil Blumenthal, founder and CEO of Warby Parker, a chain company in the United States and Canada, said: "Startups are a fledgling company, trying to solve a problem by offering obscure solutions whose success is not guaranteed."
Startup is a step-by-step process performed by individuals to develop new ideas. Its main features are scalability and the use of introduced methods; Because one of the most important goals of a startup is to expand;
For example, Starbucks startup, a chain coffee shop, originally founded in Seattle, today has more than 28,000 branches in different countries, and on the other hand to develop its product, with scientific methods; Such as: market research and customer planning. These two principles are at odds with traditional businesses. In the past, businesses chose a place to sell their product without researching the market. And it focuses on maximum profit regardless of the expansion of its startup at the geographical level, which is in contrast to the startup.
Types of startups
Startups are divided according to different models. This division can be based on the type of activity or business model of their income. One of the most famous divisions is introduced by Steve Blank, one of the Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs, as follows:
In this type of business, the person with the position; For example, having an extra car and renting your car to others, starts to make money. Most of these startups are based on fun and entertainment, which rarely turns into a big business.
With the advancement of technology, changing tastes and customer needs and new rules; Big Companies; For example, Microsoft must constantly innovate in order to survive and compete with its competitors.
Family startups are a small, low-income business run by a family.Most of the goals of this type of business are to earn money for the family. These types of startups are often less likely to become big business.
These startups are started from a new and special idea or a combination of several great ideas together. Its proponents believe that the idea can change the world. That's why this type of start-up requires large capital and specialized staff. Scalable startups make up a small percentage of all startups.
Acquisition Startups are done to speed up the day-to-day processes that prepare for sales to large businesses.
The main goal of most of these startups, unlike the rest, is not to make money or conquer the market. These kinds of businesses are about making the world. They focus on the weak strata of society. In this process, income can be waived.
In the end
Having a start-up business may seem simple at first; but it is not. According to studies: nearly 90 out of every 100 startups fail. Startup is in the form of stages. It travels like a seed to the tree. for this reason, special attention should be paid to perseverance and continuity.