Feedback Sandwich

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Feedback Sandwich

13 February 2023
Feedback Sandwich

The feedback sandwich, also known as the "compliment sandwich," is a method of delivering feedback that is designed to make the recipient more receptive to the feedback. The method involves sandwiching critical feedback between two positive statements. The structure of a feedback sandwich typically looks like this:

1- Start with a positive statement: Begin by praising something the person has done well or acknowledging something you appreciate about them.

2- Deliver the critical feedback: Clearly and calmly state the specific behavior or action that needs to be improved.

3- End with a positive statement: Conclude the feedback by reinforcing the positive aspects of the person or their work, or by providing suggestions for improvement.

The purpose of this method is to provide constructive feedback while avoiding the negative response. By starting and ending with positive statements, the person receiving the feedback is more likely to hear and take in the critical feedback, rather than becoming defensive or discouraged.

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