Develop an ios app

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Welcome to my page!

In this offer,You will get an ios app with all the business functionalities.


Here are the functionalities:

1)Welcome screens(3-4)

2)Landing page

3)Login,forget password


5)Select categories from list

6)Select available time period

7)Loading screen showing "Showing search results depending on the categories you have added"

8)Search screen with results

9)Search results(person or category)

10)Search Detail page


12)Feed detail page=Search result page

13)Rating given screen

14)Comment screen

15)Own Profile Screen,others profile screen

16)Edit profile screen

17)Follwers list

18)Followings list

19)Group list

20)Group chat

21)Create new group

22)Leader board

-Global Leader board

-Group leader board

23)Chat List

24)Personal Chat


Let me know your custom requirements.

Thank you!

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